Best Way to Boost Wifi Around the House

Does your Wi-Fi signal need a heave?

These days, most of usa use Wi-Fi in our homes to admission the internet, stream our favorite movies and television shows and connect our smart devices.

9 Tips for Getting a Stronger Wi-Fi Point

While it's tough to crush the convenience of Wi-Fi for staying continued, it can be frustrating when the signal is defective. And the more devices we connect, the bigger that issue becomes.

In this commodity, we'll go over some means you might exist able to meliorate the Wi-Fi betoken in your home.

Quick Links:

  1. Reboot Your Router
  2. Discover the Best Place for Your Router
  3. Brand Sure Your Router Is Updated
  4. Secure Your Bespeak
  5. Make Sure You're on a Clear Channel
  6. See if At that place Are Apps Hogging Your Bandwidth
  7. Use 5GHz at Short Ranges
  8. Get a Repeater/Booster/Extender
  9. Consider a Mesh-Based Organization

i. Reboot Your Modem and Router

Turning router power off

Let's commencement with the simplest thing you lot can do to effort to amend your Wi-Fi signal strength. In the same way that restarting your computer can articulate upwards issues with its performance, rebooting your modem and wireless router could be the remedy for a weak Wi-Fi signal.

Every bit with annihilation technical, there's a correct way and a wrong manner to practice it, so make sure you follow the manufacturer'south instructions and cheque the tips hither.

ii. Detect the Best Spot for Your Router

Placing router in position

The next thing to consider when you're trying to optimize your Wi-Fi signal is where you place your router. In general, the farther your router is from the devices connected to its signal, the weaker that signal is going to be.

Ideally, you want to place your router in a central location in your dwelling and then y'all're never likewise far from it even if you're moving about with your mobile devices. If yous utilise Wi-Fi primarily for streaming to televisions in your home, y'all'll benefit from the router existence closer to those TVs.

Other things that can aid are making sure the router is elevated and that it's non surrounded by other electronic devices.

3. Make Certain Your Router Is Updated

When a new version of your computer's operating system is released, information technology's a good idea to run the update in guild to patch security holes and get the best performance. The same goes for your router.

If you lot've never updated your router's firmware, that might explain the problems you're having with your Wi-Fi signal. The updating procedure varies from router to router, but y'all should be able to detect updating instructions on the website of your router'due south manufacturer. This commodity goes into detail about what the process involves.

4. Secure Your Signal

Making sure your wireless network is secure non merely helps protect you from malicious activeness, only information technology can too ensure that no one is stealing your precious bandwidth. If neighbors or even simply passersby are using your signal, that means there'south less available for y'all.

Hither are keys to keeping your home Wi-Fi network safe and secure.

5. Make Sure Y'all're on a Clear Channel

If you live in a densely populated surface area, your Wi-Fi bespeak could be suffering from congestion. If you and your neighbors are trying to use the aforementioned aqueduct, everyone's router performance can suffer.

Well-nigh routers are fix to automatically employ the clearest channel bachelor, simply that's not the instance for all of them. Check your router's administration interface to see if yours is fix on "automatic." If it's non and that pick is available, select it. If your router doesn't have that option, you'll demand to alter the channel manually. PCMag has more data on how to do that.

vi. Meet if At that place Are Apps Hogging Your Bandwidth

Different applications utilize different amounts of bandwidth, and if you've got multiple apps running that are bandwidth hogs, overall performance is going to endure.

Most routers come with something called Quality of Service (QoS) tools that can help you limit the corporeality of bandwidth different apps use. You lot tin use these tools to prioritize sure apps over others. For example, if yous want to make sure your streaming of the big game isn't interrupted because your kids are playing games online you would assign a college priority to your streaming service than their device's browser.

vii. Use 5GHz at Brusk Ranges

If you have a "dual band" router, you have the option of using either the 2.4GHz band or the 5GHz band. You will usually become ameliorate performance if you select 5GHz, considering it's less commonly used and there will exist less interference.

The caveat here is that the 5GHz signal doesn't travel equally far and doesn't fare every bit well with obstructions as the ii.4GHz band does, then it isn't a great selection for devices that are located far away (or many walls abroad) from the router. You lot tin can learn more than about the differences betwixt the 2.4 and 5GHz bands here.

8. Get a Repeater/Booster/Extender

Wi-Fi extender

Another thing to consider is buying a product that will requite your Wi-Fi indicate a leg up. These devices go by the names "repeater," "booster" and "extender," but they all basically do the aforementioned thing: accept your Wi-Fi signal, amplify it and then send it out again from a different location.

These are relatively cheap and can be particularly useful in larger homes or places where there are a lot of obstructions. This site has a good roundup of the best ones bachelor right now.

9. Consider a Mesh-Based Arrangement

A more expensive but more than thorough option is to invest in a wireless mesh router system. Money expert Clark Howard is a big proponent of these devices that you place throughout your home, essentially ensuring that your Wi-Fi bespeak is that aforementioned force in every room.

Be prepared to trounce out $200-$300 for a system that volition embrace a larger dwelling. Of course, that's money well spent if you never want to worry virtually having a weak Wi-Fi signal over again.

Final Idea

Everyone's Wi-Fi situation is unlike, and so at that place'southward not a one-size-fits-all solution for dealing with a weak bespeak. If you're having issues, beginning with some of the free solutions to a higher place to see if they lead to improvement. If nothing seems to work, only and then should you lot consider shelling out money for a repeater or mesh arrangement.

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