“Message confusing”: Aged care providers to inform government how many workers vaccinated – but what if staff don't tell their employer?

Nurse giving carer COVID vaccine

From June 15, aged charge providers must report vaccination numbers to the Section of Wellness. However, the government's official communications state, "It is currently voluntary for aged care workers to give notice their workplace if they have accepted a COVID-19 vaccination."

The exclusion is Southwesterly Australia, which has passed legislation to pass compulsory for aged tending staff to inform their employer if they have received their shot.

Ciarán Foley, President of Allambie High Village, told HelloCare the message was confusing.

Though staff at Allambie Heights have been willing to portion out their vaccination status with the provider and the information can be decoded so individuals can not be identified, on that point is a amalgamated substance at the heart of the government's requirement.

"IT is confusing because it says a staff member does not need to tell his or her employer.

"The GPs and the hubs should throw been taking note of where people are working and that's clearly been a fault [in the rollout]."

This is non the first time Foley and his team get received unclear messaging from the government about the vaccine rollout.

"Australia started very, fine dealing with the pandemic. But as the weeks have gone on, things have not expended Eastern Samoa wellspring with the vaccination of staff."

In March, stave and residents at Allambie processed to receive the vaccine American Samoa part of the 1A and 1B prioritisation groups.

"We were a designated priority group, merely information technology didn't occur that way," Foley told HelloCare.

In practice, staff weren't aerated as a priority group and they "were told by the Section of Wellness and the various health government to go and classify this out yourself."

"That caused confusion," Foley said.

IT would have been "very easily" if staff were offered the vaccinum at the same metre as residents.

"That would have made it very simple."

Today, all of Allambie's residents are fully vaccinated – for both COVID-19 and the flu.

The first COVID-19 doses were administered on March 10 and the second on March 31. The process for residents went "swimmingly", Foley same.

Nationwide though, nary one knows how many aged care workers have received the prod, simply live week roughly put the figure as low Eastern Samoa 10%.

Older care minister Richard Colbeck came vulnerable recently when he could not say how many aged care workers had been vaccinated.

With nobelium obligation for aged care workers to inform their employer if they're vaccinated, we May smooth be some way off getting a clear moving picture of the true issue.

Foley said the "reprioritising" of the terminated 50s chase reports of blood clots, including two deaths, has also generated "a degree of confusion" and concerns about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Foley himself has had his first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine at the Homebush inoculation hub in Sydney.

When aged care workers are darned for delivery the virus into aged care homes, Foley believes the blame really lies in the government's handling of the crisis, non the individual workers.

"I think that's very inhumane [to blame aged care workers], to say the least," Foley said.

"It's terribly unfair for an individual World Health Organization has done so often complete the old age to be labelled. They are a appendage of the Australian community. We've got to share the responsibility.

"So, either you've got to mandate the vaccination or we're going to struggle as a community. Borders wish stay closed, flights volition not give out outer, and we're silent going away to be in a situation in months and months to come."


Source: https://hellocare.com.au/message-confusing-aged-care-providers-to-inform-government-how-many-workers-vaccinated-but-what-if-staff-dont-tell-their-employer/

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